Art Tours and Photography Pages

This weekend was supposed to be a retreat into beloved hobbies while I felt ahead in content for The Iron Yard. I achieved this goal on Saturday by going to a local Stamp Art Tour here in Raleigh and buying more than I needed but certainly less than I expected! After organizing all my new product and setting my self up to craft last night I thought I would spend all day today making cards and scrapbooking. Instead, I find myself working on index cards, rewriting my notes to look prettier, and knocking out enough changes on my side project to push a commit to github!

Currently, I have a facebook page with a small collection of albums that hold some of my pictures. It's pretty much a super informal portfolio: It certainly isn't a terrible way to go about displaying past work. But it isn't the greatest. As a way to both improve my brand and practice my development and design skills I've started to build my own page. I know I'm far away from creating a functional web page on my own but if I can even build my own mock up with HTML and CSS then I'll be pretty dang proud.

So far I have close to nothing. I created three empty HTML sheets for my three pages Home, Gallery, and About. I have an empty stylesheet linked to those three and <nav> </nav> tags in each of the pages that will eventually be interactive enough to take you to the coordinating pages. This morning I added just three images into the first section of my Gallery, added a background of grey, and realized I have no idea where to nest my 'object-fit' command. I understand the command itself and what the outcome is supposed to be yet I can't seem to make it cooperate:

That picture is one of three and they're supposed to be all lined up next to each other nice and pretty like. I used the command 'display: flex' to put them in a row but went ahead and added the command 'flex-flow: row wrap' to make the photos more responsive. That way, when my page is pulled up on a smaller device like a phone or a tablet, the pictures won't automatically squish themselves together they'll just move to the next available space. That's why only one is visible here - I think.

I'm excited to see this project through and I'm really relieved I have no deadline on it so I can work as much or as little on it as my schedule demands. I have found it motivating to finally be working on a 'crafty' project that directly relates to my interests. Before I know it I'll be building webpages for all of my hobbies!
