Calculators are Magic

Never have I ever put so much thought into how a calculator works. Our weekly assignment, due this upcoming Friday, is to create a static webpage that will display a green calculator that not just looks pretty but functions correctly. The looking pretty is HTML and CSS which we covered a grand total of two weeks ago and I'm already feeling rusty on. The functionality is all JavaScript. I seriously can't believe that in three weeks I'm already familiar with and using (kind of awkwardly) these three languages.

In about five hours time I accomplished all of the above. I have green buttons that when pushed are displayed in the empty field at the top of the page as well as can mathematically work (as long as the operation is simple and done one step at a time).

For now my GitHub link is but I will update later this week with the actual page so you can interact with my code! Yay progress! All in all I'm super proud but honestly amazed at how much logic goes into basic math. To actually write step by step everything that happens in addition is much more complex than I ever gave it credit for.

Basically, calculators are magic.
