End of Week Two

This week has been the week of a Tuesday holiday; both incredibly short and surprisingly long! I've been consistently on top of my work out of habit, thankfully, but I'm ready for material that I feel solid on. I guess in a way I should embrace this uncomfortable feeling that I don't understand what I'm doing as technology itself is never just one thing and constantly evolves. As we get more into JavaScript I will be excited to see how to actually use it in my HTML and CSS.

So far we've mostly covered concepts like truthy/falsey, if statements, if/else statements, and pushing to git pages. Compared to last week it feels like we barely covered anything but I'm happy to take this step by step now. The weekly project was a challenge but I knew myself well enough to space out the web page one piece at a time. All of the concepts I thought would be difficult, like parallax and favicon, were unbelievably easy. Yet I still feel shaky on when to use flex and when to use float.

It turns out building a web page is a lot like crafting: you can use all of the fancy stickers and stamps that look amazing but if you don't have an eye for how to build the page itself the whole thing looks pretty sloppy. It's easy to learn the commands to type but it's a bit more difficult to learn how to think. To build a webpage from a mock up you have to be able to dissect its structure and decide the best organizational method to lay it all out. I'm assuming this is a skill I'll pick up over time but for now it's what I'm most frustrated with.

That weekly project I talked about earlier was due today and I have to say though my code is pretty wonk the final product is close to how I wanted it. You can actually checkout my final product and my code through GitHub and GitHub Pages: https://github.com/victoriarainc/week-01-project and though it is blank if you Inspect the page you can browse the code instead of downloading it here at https://victoriarainc.github.io/week-01-project/ !
