I Survived Week 3!

JavaScript is if loops, DOM manipulation, template literals, nested arrays and objects, and a load of new commands I have literally never worked with or even seen before last week. Here I am feeling like I've taken the first baby step (a huge step!) in to the right direction. I can actually start a project, ask the right questions, and use the correct resources. I may not be able to finish. It may take me all day. But I can start and I'm not going to take that achievement for granted.


This page isn't beautiful or interactive but all that was required of me was to print those same answers to the console (a tool in Chrome you can access by right-clicking on that page and clicking 'Inspect'). Before submitting I realized my page was just completely empty. A white page. Which is what my instructors are expecting but I didn't want to settle for that. I had a few extra hours last night and spent that time 'designing' a page for my answers. It isn't a lot but it is certainly more than what was asked.

I did that for me. I did that to reaffirm some previous lessons. I didn't do that for bonus points. I didn't do that to look like I was ahead. In fact, I even skipped some activities to do this. Motivation is key here and making something pretty was enough to keep me excited and ready to tackle the next lesson. Perspective matters!
