On To Back-End!

After learning the basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Git, Terminal, and GitHub I'm now moving into back end development! Our first reading is on Node.js which is neither a language nor a program but a way for the JavaScript language to interact with browsers. I'm not entirely sure what that means yet but I'm confident I will by the end of the day.

Until then, I'm working on our latest weekly project. It is a search page that uses the iTunes API to find music! The hardest part so far has been figuring out how to play audio and that was ultimately easier than I expected. I'm very fortunate to be learning how to code now with HTML5 and CSS3 that have a lot of included tags and elements. Back in the day I'm sure these projects would have been much more intensive!

Here I have some JavaScript that begins a function when a search result is clicked. Once it has been clicked, the audio file is plugged into the HTML (hardcodes it) and displays the artist's name and song title underneath the audio player. I have more lines above this that controls the search bar and when to fetch the data from the API to then display on my page. The computer then has to be told what to do with and where to put that data.

If you can imagine telling a toddler to get ready for school it's pretty similar. There a lot of steps in that command that you're familiar with but someone without any experience won't know how to do. It's pretty straining to remember every step and direct someone in the right order to take a bath, put on underwear, put on pants, put on shirt, socks then shoes, brush teeth, brush hair, etc when you could just say 'get ready'.

Now that I feel a little more comfortable doing that we're already moving on to something else! 'Tis the way of the bootcamp and I am truly excited to move on to back end development!
