Code Snippets: Storing Data with Mongo

Now that I have schemas in my models folder for both users and snippets I'm going to need a way to store them. I could use a SQL database which would store the snippets in the user table with a foreign key or a NoSQL database which is a bit more flexible. Even though SQL is the better choice, I am more familiar with Mongoose then Sequelize (both are the middleware used to help Node talk to the database).  For now, I will use Mongo and Mongoose to store the data from my application.

Since I put each of those schemas in their own file I was able to export them. Once they were exported, I could require them in my main file along with the routes I created for each of my pages. I made a route for the login, the register page, the home page, and a place to render the results of a search. All of these are referenced in my app.js - the index of my project. In that same file is where I declare a url for Mongoose. Mongoose needs a connection between my application and the database inside of Mongo so I'm able to to use a localhost and the name of the database I want to store the data into. Once I've done that, I nest my listen inside of my connection!

I added a console.log to make sure I knew this worked and it did! I will still need to make sure that those routes render the data properly but all in all the backend work here is done!
