Creating a Back End Application

To wrap up our back end instruction The Iron Yard requires a final project that rounds out the skills we've learned over the last three weeks. In a nutshell, we use Node.js and a few of its packages to write an application. Our objective is to create a web app that requires a login and password, allows for registration, enforces password encryption, and brings the user to a home page. For this project, that home page is a code snippet organizer.

This project has no mockup or wireframe because design is not the main objective. However, there are a set of abilities our app must have. A user must be able to view all of their snippets, be able to edit or add or delete their snippets, and there must be a search bar that filters through those snippet's tags and languages. That means there are two schemas being used in conjunction. There is a collection of users and a collection of snippets all being stored in the same database. They have to be two separate schemas because each model looks completely different: I want the user to have a username and password and I also want the snippets they create to have a title, a body, some notes, tags, and a language.

This feels like a lot. Well, it is a lot. In the last three weeks we've done all of these components individually. Now I'm taking each of those unique projects and mashing them up to work together. That being said, I can confidently tell myself that it isn't anything I haven't done before. I do know how to do each part of this puzzle. Now I'm just in charge of putting this together! My first step is organizing a Trello board (if you haven't heard of this site seriously go look at it to organize any project or to-do list) to flesh out what is being required and the steps I want to take to accomplish them.
