Intro to React

The last four weeks of my time at The Iron Yard is set aside for 'specialization'. That is, we as students had the choice between learning Ruby, React, and Java. Given my background in visual arts and design I started this programming boot camp assuming I would go in to front end development. After spending the last four weeks with back end fundamentals I have even more reason to believe I would be happiest working with React, the front end option, over the other two.

React itself is a library for JavaScript written to keep up with the changing demands of web applications. On a page like Facebook, the creators of React, there is a need for constant updating. Without reloading your page you should be able to see when someone likes a post, when someone sends you a message, and every time someone you follow posts a status. This requires specific containers making updates without the entire page refreshing each time a change happens. React's speciality is handling these containers. 

I'm looking forward to learning more and building some sample applications with React! I have a few personal projects I would love to build out and add to my portfolio! 
