Home Stretch

It is officially the last week of career development at The Iron Yard and our prototype, even stretched, is complete! Today Kelly and I review the presentation, practice it, and film tomorrow during rehearsals. October 25th is demo day and we are prepped, practiced, and ready to go!

I am very proud of what we've been able to accomplish in such a short amount of time! Over the next few weeks I will continue to work with the Center on implementing our prototype and then continuing to maintain it over time. The experience I've had working with them is invaluable and I am absolutely grateful at the opportunity to work with the community and build something that will help sustain and grow the LGBT Center of Raleigh.

I am already looking forward to the lessons I will learn going forward. I anticipate a trial period that will require changes to our design. After hearing feedback from the community, volunteers, and members I anticipate a lot of excitement but certainly items that we could not have anticipated or just completely overlooked. As a first 'real life' site design I am truly excited for my next project!
